Library Barracco
The act of donation by which Giovanni Barracco donated his ancient sculptures collection to the City of Rome, included also his important specialist library. The library includes 278 works for a total of about 350 volumes, plus 160 briefs circa featured in the miscellany section.

The books of the library, published up to 1914, the year of Barracco’s death, include a valuable collection of Greek and Latin classics and a substantial selection of works dedicated to the artistic civilizations represented in the collection. It was Barracco who divided the library into broad areas: Egyptology and Oriental studies, classical art, ancient literary sources.
The latter group, which fuelled Barracco’s passion for classical literature, features precious and rare specimens of the seventeenth and eighteenth century. But perhaps the most important section of the library is dedicated to Egyptology: featuring the twelve volumes (9 written texts and 3 illustrated folios) of the Monumenti dell’Egitto e della Nubia by Ippolito Rosellini (1800 - 1843) and the monumental work, in twelve large volumes, by Karl Richard Lepsius (1810-1884) entitled Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien.
The Barracco library includes also some copies of the impressive and extensive catalogue of the collection, published in French in 1893 by Bruckmann in Munich and dedicated to Queen Margherita: G. Barracco, W. Helbig, La collection Barracco, Münich 1893.
The Libraries (Barracco and Pollak) are available on request for scholars.